Invest in students, teachers and schools today!
General Fund:
Giving to the General Fund on a one-time or recurring basis supports Project Zawadi's efforts in partnership with local communities, teachers, and schools to foster quality and relevant education experiences through the Tenda Teachers and Model Schools programs.
The Tenda Teachers program addresses the gap in training and professional development for teachers both in the Nyamsuwa area and nationally in Tanzania. The program offers teacher training resources, English language student workshops, and partnership opportunities among non-governmental organizations to support teachers and schools in Tanzania.
The Model Schools program has been directed by an intensive community and school planning initiative, Project Zawadi program resources will be more intensively integrated into a school. Working in partnership, Model Schools will support the vision the community has for a model, high-quality educational institution for their children. Each Model School site is slated to undergo this holistic transformation over a multi-year period.
Student Support:
Sometimes it takes more than a village to raise a child. It takes parents, family, neighbors, community leaders, teachers, and many more. It takes a whole team of people. For the students receiving support from Project Zawadi, that team also includes PZ donors like you. Project Zawadi Student Support includes:
- Scholarships
- Empowerment Clubs and Camps
- Girls Safety advocacy and counseling
- School Meals
- Health and Menstrual Hygiene Support
$240/year (or $20/month for recurring donors) supports one (1) student in our program for a year. As students advance through their education into the secondary, tertiary or vocational levels, Project Zawadi ensures that the resources needed to attend school are properly met.
Alternate Giving Methods:
- DONATE BY MAIL: Send a check made out to "Project Zawadi" to 253 Duke Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102. The Project Zawadi Mail In Donation Form can be printed out to accompany your check.
- MAKE A STOCK DONATION: If you wish to make a gift of stock, please follow this link for details: Making a Gift of Stock to Project Zawadi. Important: Please notify Project Zawadi that a stock donation is forthcoming by emailing donate@projectzawadi.org.
- BECOME A LEGACY CIRCLE DONOR: The Legacy Circle is for supporters that have made a provision in their estate plans to support Project Zawadi’s mission long into the future. Click here for the Legacy Circle Commitment Form.
- PROJECT ZAWADI IS A THRIVENT CHOICE ORGANIZATION! Click here for Thrivent's online catalog and initiate your donation today.