O'Brien, Shoup, and Hodges Family's Fundraiser

Let's band together to build housing for teachers in Tanzania in the name of Janet O'Brien, for whom teaching was a lifelong passion.
If Janet's spark ever touched you over her 81 years on this earth, please give whatever you can.
We are O'Briens, Shoups, and Hodges -- Kate, Mark (x2), Rachel, Robin, Declan, Keira, Marlene, Patrick, and Steffi. Janet was our mum, mother-in-law, and granny. As we approach Janet's birthday and the first anniversary of her death, we are raising funds to honor and memorialize her dual passions for teaching and global human connection. Rachel and Robin have been passionate supporters of Project Zawadi for decades. Twenty years ago Robin was an early PZ board member, and during a life-changing board trip Rachel and Robin witnessed firsthand the outstanding work of the organization and its Tanzanian partners and how worthy the extraordinary young people and Model Schools PZ supports are of our collective support. In the 15+ years since that trip, Project Zawadi has steadily grown in stature, breadth of programs, and impact. When we learned of the opportunity to help build housing for teachers at one of the Model Schools where PZ's students attend and name a housing unit in Janet's honor, we jumped on it. Please consider giving what you can. To learn more about the importance of teachers' housing to students and schools in Tanzania, see the Community Vision Blog post from April 1st; to learn more about Project Zawadi in totality, see projectzawadi.org.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping us meet our goal of naming a housing unit for teachers in Tanzania in Janet O'Brien's name. Online donations through this page are automatically earmarked to the Janet O'Brien Memorial Fund.
If donating by check, note "Janet O'Brien Memorial Fund" in the memo section of the check and mail it to Project Zawadi, 253 Duke Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102
Stock donations can also be made. You can click here for details.